Dr. Stephen Zuellig Memorial Public Health Lecture Highlights Thailand’s Journey to Universal Healthcare “Let personal gain be secondary and the...
Demographic characteristics of the participantsOf the 104 participants recruited in this study, 30.8% were from the control region, 63.4% were...
Imagine being able to see a doctor as soon as you needed to or, even better, seeing a specialist for...
WHO., Maternal health refers to the health of mother during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Available from: (accessed on...
CMA EXPLAINS As health ministers across the country grapple with intractable wait lists for everything from primary care to specialized...
Adu-Gyamfi S, Brenya E, Gyasi RM, Abass K, Darkwa BD, Nimoh M, Tomdi L. A COVID in the wheels of...